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The ultimate protection

The combination of Opacifying Fog and Coded Marking: an IMPARABLE DUO.

INNOV SÉCURITÉ, France's leading manufacturer of anti-intrusion fog generators, has teamed up with SmartWater, the leader in coded marking solutions, to create the most advanced security solution on the market.

Deterrent Coded Fog can scare burglars away in a matter of seconds by releasing a unique, odourless and invisible to the naked eye code of SmartWater coded marking spray, depending on the choice of trigger, enabling law enforcement agencies to confuse burglars for several weeks. This unique and complementary combination of innovative technologies provides immediate protection for your property while combating repeat offences.

"A dream for customers, a nightmare for burglars!

SmartWater and INNOV SÉCURITÉ, leaders in their respective sectors, have used their innovative technologies to help reduce the number of burglaries and increase the number of thieves arrested to combat repeat offences.


INNOV SÉCURITÉ has been offering innovative security solutions for over 20 years. As a leader and expert in anti-intrusion fog generators, INNOV SÉCURITÉ's major asset is to offer its skills and network to manufacturers of innovative technologies in the security sector.

With offices throughout France, including French overseas departments and territories, the service and support we provide to our installer partners on a daily basis means we can strengthen the relationship of trust with our partners and specifiers every day.

Buying INNOV SÉCURITÉ means buying products, solutions and services: all in one.

For more information, visit


Founded in 1993, SmartWater Technology Ltd has redefined the codes of the security sector by inventing the concept of "Forensic Evidence".

SmartWater was developed by former police officer Phil Cleary and his brother, chartered chemist Mike Cleary. Originally, with the aim of improving the performance of the Police in the event of a robbery, these two brothers came up with the revolutionary idea of identifying and linking both the thieves and the stolen goods to the scene of the burglary.

SmartWater is a deterrent for burglars because they know that they will be instantly linked to the location of a specific burglary and, in some cases, to several burglary locations. This technology makes it possible not only to identify burglars who are trying to steal your valuables, but also to combat repeat offences by bringing them to justice thanks to this irrefutable evidence.

Thanks to this technology, in the UK, SmartWater has made a major contribution to reducing the number of burglaries and assaults.

The SmartWater solution provides irrefutable forensic evidence to law enforcement agencies, contributing to the arrest of thousands of criminals.

For more information on SmartWater :

Key figures

- 98% of customers using the SmartWater Coded Marking Product (CMP) were not the victim of a burglary attempt in 2018.
- 74% of burglars testify that they would not attempt to enter a premises where SmartWater deterrent signs are displayed*.

*Perpetuity Research and Consultancy. An Evaluation of SmartWater: Offenders' Perspectives