INNOV SÉCURITÉ, experts in anti-intrusion Fog Generators for more than 18 years, has joined forces with SmartWater, the leader in coded marking, to create THE ultimate security solution: a Fog Generator incorporating the SmartWater solution that immediately secures your property, acts as a deterrent and combats repeat offences.

The INNOV SÉCURITÉ + SmartWater generator combines the effectiveness of anti-intrusion fog, which immediately repels burglars, with SmartWater's coded marking technology, a deterrent that will identify and confuse them for several weeks.

Coded marking with a unique signature signs the intruder - using a spray - with an imprint invisible to the naked eye. This unique marking links the burglar and the stolen goods to the scene of the burglary. The police, equipped with a special light, then have an infallible means of tracing the perpetrators, as well as the associated physical attacks, which are becoming increasingly frequent.

This solution also acts as a strong deterrent, as 74% of intruders* avoid companies displaying SmartWater signage.

The successful combination of an anti-intrusion fog generator - which is triggered immediately and scares off burglars - and a coded marking spray, which enables burglars to be tracked down for several weeks afterwards, represents the most effective security solution on the market. It's the ultimate security solution for protecting your property, ensuring your safety and helping to reduce repeat offences for yourself and others.

How does it work?

Several solutions are proposed:

  1. The SmartWater solution is integrated directly into a compatible INNOV SÉCURITÉ Fog Generator, and a 2nd nozzle located close to the 1st (the one expelling the opacifying fog) is used to spray the coded chemical spray (it is unique for each customer and each site). The two nozzles are therefore triggered simultaneously in the event of an intrusion, with the coded spray combining with the opacifying fog.
  2. The Smartwater nozzle is located several metres away via a hose that connects it to the (single) bottle of SmartWater solution inside the generator. The outlet nozzle is installed discreetly to spray the intruder in a high-traffic area (above the front door of a shop, for example).

Technical specifications

  • The capacity can vary (50 ml and 250 ml) depending on the application chosen and the range required.
  • Firing of single-signature spray (composed of water and rare earths, harmless to health).
  • Compatible with most alarm systems. Can be installed in an INNOV SÉCURITÉ fog generator.
  • The nozzle can be located up to 5 m from the main unit.
  • The natural coded marker is detectable on the skin and hair for weeks (6-8), even after repeated washing.
  • Invisible to the naked eye, reflective under special light.
  • A forensic analysis of the marker can be forwarded by the laboratory for any criminal trigger.
  • Safety data sheet available

Accredited laboratories

The SmartWater marker analysis procedure is ISO 17025 certified and complies with the latest legal requirements for marking science laboratory practices. The fog generators offered by INNOV SÉCURITÉ comply with the international standard IEC 62642-8 and are ISO 9001 certified.

To find out more, contact us for a quote.