PSM, the leading magazine in the security sector, is dedicated to keeping all those involved in security informed about the latest developments in safety and security. In the September/October 2022 issue, a full page in the 'INNOVATION' section is dedicated to INNOV SÉCURITÉ and our new Fog Generator, the Density HP14000.

The article highlights the experience and expertise of Christophe DESSAIN, founder of INNOV SÉCURITÉ, in the field of innovative security solutions and the advantages of the Density® range:

  • Speed: The Density 900 produces 900m³ of fog in just 29 seconds, making goods in shops up to 100m2 invisible in a matter of seconds.
  • Density: Density produces the densest fog on the market, with a holding time that is 3 times longer according to tests carried out by CNPP and AFNOR as part of NF&a2p@ certification.

"You can't steal what you can't see!

Discover the page dedicated to INNOV SÉCURITÉ and its instant solutions for protecting warehouses of several thousand square metres:

INNOVATION Density®: The world's most powerful fog generator

For the launch of the HP: High Production range at the beginning of September, PSM wanted to highlight the Density® HP14000. A genuine innovation in the security market, it is the only device in the world capable of producing 14,000 m3 of extremely dense fog, protecting warehouses and logistics platforms of several thousand square metres in a matter of seconds, which until now would have been impossible to protect. 

Discover our page dedicated to Fog protection for warehouses and storage buildings by clicking here