NEW: For the start of the 2020 school year INNOV SÉCURITÉ - SMARTWATER offers to protect your valuables against theft with a new SmartWater Coded Marking Product (C.M.P.): SmartTrace Kit !

With the SmartTrace kit, your goods are marked with a unique code that is invisible to the naked eye, odourless and painless. It creates irrefutable proof for the French courts, enabling the receiver to be convicted.

smarttrace, individually coded marking

The SmartTrace Coded Marking Product (C.M.P.) is a range of 4 complete kits to meet all protection needs:

The SmartTrace Individual kit 20 markings
SmartTrace Light kit 50 markings - ideal for small shops.
SmartTrace Medium kit 150 markings, suitable for businesses.
SmartTrace Large kit 250 markings, for multi-site companies.

1 marking = 1 object protected by deterrence

These kits consist of a bottle of SmartTrace Coded Marking Product (C.M.P.), an applicator brush, an application guide and a large number of different Deterrent Signs to deter thieves (external doors/windows and mini for protected objects).

SmartTrace PMC signage kitDeterrence to protect your property!

All SmartWater products, including SmartTrace, are extremely effective deterrents!

Thanks to the many signs included in your SmartTrace kit, you can highlight the marking of your objects with a Coded Marking Product (C.M.P.) with a unique code, invisible to the naked eye. Each kit contains a bottle of SmartTrace liquid with its own unique code, enabling it to be identified and creating irrefutable proof for the courts.

Individual coded marking productHighlighting SmartTrace markings deters burglars from stealing your goods because they know they won't be able to resell them. Because SmartTrace liquid is invisible to the naked eye, burglars won't know where your goods are marked and will move on.

SmartTrace, the only Coded Marking Product on the market that allows goods to be marked: simple, fast and effective, SmartTrace deters thieves from taking action!

Find out more, contact us for a quote.